

Welcome to Easthope!

I'm Harriet, and I founded Easthope in 2021 with a heartfelt mission to challenge the disposable nature of high-street fashion. Our ethos centers on crafting thoughtful, curated collections that stand in beautiful contrast to today's throwaway culture.

As Easthope has blossomed, I've expanded our range to include bespoke designs and unique deadstock vintage pieces, even embracing the ancient art of glass lampwork. Every piece is lovingly made in-house by me, Harriet. I come from a background steeped in creativity. Growing up in a household where the arts and music were always celebrated, I was surrounded by inspiration. My dad built an enviable collection of records for our jukebox, while my mum provided an array of beads, paints, fabric, and stencils, nurturing our creative expression. Among my various artistic pursuits, jewellery has always captivated my heart. From the age of seven, I frequently gifted handmade pieces to friends and family, making it a constant passion throughout my creative journey.

With a deep commitment to sustainability, I produce in limited runs and focus on made-to-order collections, minimising waste in the process. Our packaging and postage materials are both reusable and recyclable. By avoiding held stock, we ensure no waste, no overproduction, and minimal impact. Every piece is made to order by hand, eschewing moulds and machined forms, in alignment with our sustainable practices. Our main materials are gold and glass. Glass is renowned for its durability and limitless ability to be reused, recycled, and remelted. Recently, I've also included deadstock vintage pieces to further minimise our impact, incorporating charms and gold-plated stampings.

Our inaugural collection, produced in limited quantities, was warmly embraced by our Instagram followers, friends, and family—just as it has always been. I’m thrilled to welcome you into the Easthope community. Each piece we create is not just a product but a story, a reflection of our commitment to thoughtful design and sustainable practices. Every item at Easthope is a labor of love, meticulously handcrafted to ensure the highest quality and unique charm. My dedication to the art of jewellery-making means that no two pieces are exactly alike. This individuality is at the core of our brand, celebrating the beauty of imperfection and the uniqueness of each wearer. Our bespoke designs allow you to collaborate directly with me to create a piece that truly resonates with your personal style and story. This personalised approach ensures that your jewellery is not just an accessory but a meaningful part of your life.

I’m here to bring your vision to life with care and creativity. Incorporating deadstock vintage pieces is a cherished part of our process. These timeless elements add a touch of history and nostalgia to our modern designs. By repurposing vintage materials, we honour the past while crafting something entirely new and unique for you. Exploring the ancient art of glass lampwork has been a profound journey. Each glass piece is carefully crafted using traditional techniques, resulting in stunning, one-of-a-kind creations. This intricate process allows us to offer jewellery that is both artistically rich and sustainably produced.

At Easthope Studio, we value our community deeply. Your support and feedback have been instrumental in our growth and evolution. Our Instagram followers, friends, and family have been a source of inspiration and encouragement, and I’m forever grateful for the warmth and enthusiasm you bring. As we continue to grow and explore new horizons, I invite you to join us on this journey. Whether you’re seeking a bespoke piece, a sustainable gift, or simply want to connect with our community, Easthope Studio is here for you. Together, we can challenge the norms of fashion and create something truly special.

I look forward to crafting beautiful, meaningful pieces that you'll cherish for years to come. Thank you for being part of our story.

With Big Love,
